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Promotional Incredibuilds Jr.:stackables Dinosaurs
in Books sold by Daves Deals
Don't Pay $24.99 ⓘ
Description and specs
"Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, and there are hundreds ofdifferent kinds! Kids can arrange all their favourite types of dinosaurs in anendless number of combinations with this boxed set of stackable wood figures.
Each box comes with a T. Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyl,Brachiosaurus, Velociraptor, Ankylosaurus, and Minmi, as well as nine fun factand craft cards with sample art projects for parents to do with their kids tomake each animal unique. Sturdy, all-natural wood is perfect for repeatedstacking, making this a great activity for parents and young IncrediBuildersalike!"
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