Ping Pong Sing Song
Ping Pong Sing Song, a name that rolls off the tongue! Add the mouthguard into your, take a card, choose the song, then battle with your opponent. Can the audience guess what you are singing and win the card? It’s Speak out version 2.0, without the horrible dribbling and showing bad dental hygiene
Object of the game
To be the first player to correctly name one of the songs being sung. Problem is, there are two players singing at the same time, each player has a mouth full of ping pong balls and each player is attempting to sing a different song - all at the same time!
Setting up the game
The Singsong cards are shuffled and placed in the middle of the table along with the timer. Each player is then given three ping pong balls. The tallest and the shortest players will be first to go head-to-head.
Playing the game
Each round starts with the two players that will sing for this round. Each player picks up a Singsong card from the top of the deck and reads it to themselves (without showing anyone else). Each Singsong card has three well-known song titles on it. Once both players have selected a song to sing they must place the three ping pong balls in their mouth - one in each cheek and the other held between the front teeth. When both players are ready, the timer is flipped and they may start singing their chosen song.
Players may elect to sing the whole song, the chorus or just repeat a famous line from the song. They can sing as loudly as they like (trying to drown out their opponent), and even do the odd act if they think that will help. Anything to get any of the other players to guess the title of the song.
All the other (non-singing) players must now try and guess either song title being sung by simply shouting out song titles. If a player shouts out the correct answer the player that is singing immediately stops and touches that player on the head. As soon as this happens the round is over.
The player that guessed the song correctly wins the Singsong card and replaces the winning singer for the next round. The losing singer continues into the next round. Any player that drops ones of their ping pong balls during the singing is immediately eliminated for that round BUT the other player may keep on singing until the 30 seconds is up. If nobody correctly guesses either song before time runs out the same two singers must sing in the next round.
Winning the game
First players to collect seven Singsong cards wins the game.