InterGalactic Plumber Game
InterGalactic Plumber Game
InterGalactic Plumber Game
InterGalactic Plumber Game
InterGalactic Plumber Game
InterGalactic Plumber Game
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InterGalactic Plumber Game

in Games sold by Hobbyco
Don't Pay $34.99 
Description and specs

The solar system is clogged with asteroid junk, ice chunks, and space gunk. You are an Inter-Galactic Plumber tasked with plunging away the build-up of space crap. The more you plunge the more money you make! Outwit other plumbers by stranding them in space debris, while you plunge you way to victory! Ages 8+.

  • Brand: Outset Media
  • Players: 2-6
  • Ages: 8+
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