Jaan Premium Canadian Whisky 750ml
Jaan Premium Canadian Whisky 750ml
Jaan Premium Canadian Whisky 750ml
Jaan Premium Canadian Whisky 750ml

Jaan Premium Canadian Whisky 750ml

Don't Pay $89.99 
Description and specs

Jaan – Premium Canadian Whisky has an enticing and complex floral aroma with deep cherry and a kaleidoscope of toasted spice notes. Smooth and mellow with a melody of rich spices that lift off the tongue. The finish is smooth, mellow, spicy, and extra long for an  unforgettable taste experience.

Jaan, a Hindi/Urdu word with many meanings, the most common being life and love. Artisan crafted Canadian Whiskey made with the finest natural ingredients and double barreled in spiced-infused Oak barrels. Exceptionally smooth and bold yet balanced, with
intriguing floral, spicy and fruity notes. This elixir of life is a must for the discerning whiskey lovers the world over.

40% ABV

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$14 Shipping to all available areas. Max 2 cases per order

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