The Gospel Straight Rye Whisky 700ml
The Gospel Straight Rye Whisky 700ml
The Gospel Straight Rye Whisky 700ml
The Gospel Straight Rye Whisky 700ml

The Gospel Straight Rye Whisky 700ml

Description and specs
The Gospel Straight Rye Whiskey is our answer to a bold and rich American style whiskey, made in Australia using single-sourced grain and aged in Melbourne’s dynamic climate to produce a uniquely local rye whiskey that’s distinct and honest for all occasions.

"A different angle of attack for rye and a welcome one." - David Broom, The Whisky Manual UK

"One of the most impressive Australian whiskies to be released in recent years." - Luke McCarthy, Oz Whisky Review 

Straight Rye Whiskey won gold at the 2022 San Francisco World Spirits Competition - the highest awarded Australian Rye Whiskey.
Delivery and returns
$14 Shipping to all available areas. Max 2 cases per order

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